Husserl Reader and Critic of Kant


  • Axel Rivera Osorio Universidad Autónoma de México - México


Husserl, Kant, a priori, Transcendental philosophy, Intentionality


The article aims to analize the most important criticisms that Edmund Hus­serl made to the transcendental philosophy of Kant. This will allow to propose a continuity of what Husserl called an “internal teleology of transcendental philosophy”, and, at the same time, it will help to show the need for a subs­tantive rethinking of it. It could be said that the fundamental criticism that Husserl made was to question the radicality of the Copernican turn, which is necessary in order to truly access to the phenomenality of the world, to intentionality and to the consequences derived from it.


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Author Biography

Axel Rivera Osorio, Universidad Autónoma de México - México

Axel Rivera Osorio es Licenciado, Maestro y Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Sus áreas de interés son la fenomenología, especialmente el pensamiento de Husserl, la ética y la política. Además, ha sido dictami­nador para el Fondo de Cultura Económica y revisor de traducciones para la misma casa editorial.



How to Cite

Rivera Osorio, A. (2023). Husserl Reader and Critic of Kant. Ideas. Revista De filosofía Moderna Y contemporánea, (9), 106–138. Retrieved from


