Intentionality and attention: the Husserlian approach to attention in relation to intentionality and its characterization as " mention".


  • Andrea Scanziani Università Degli Studi di Milano -Italia


Edmund Husserl - Attention - Intentionality - Cogitative Meaning.


The present work aims at analyzing Edmund Husserl´s account of attention (Aufmerksamkeit) considering its fundamental relation with the topics of intentionality (Intentionalität) and “cogitative meaning” (Meinen). Husserl´s definition of attention as cogitative meaning is one of the most characteristic moments of his description of this phenomenon, and it has a key importance insofar as it differentiates his analysis from psychological approaches. For this reason, the first step will be the exposition of the main concepts of the psychology of the late nineteenth century that contributed to shape Husserl´s own position. Then, we shall examine Husserl view on attention until the Logical Investigations and evaluate the contribution of the later development of the theory of intentionality to the interpretation of attention. Finally, we will reflect on the connection between the analysis of intention and the description of the orientations of attention, underlying the specific function of cogitative meaning regarding the horizonedness of experience.


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Author Biography

Andrea Scanziani, Università Degli Studi di Milano -Italia

Andrea Scanziani es Doctor en Filosofía y Ciencias Humanas por la Università degli Studi di Milano (2016). Su tesis de doctorado se concentró en el origen de los conceptos matemáticos en la filosofía alemana del siglo XIX, especialmente, en la filosofía de Edmund Husserl. Realizó diversas estadías en el exterior, en particular, en Alemania, en las universidades de Friburgo y Colonia. Es autor de la traducción italiana del volumen XXXVIII de las Obras Completas de Edmund Husserl, Wahrnehmung und Aufmerksamkeit (Percezione e attenzione, Milán, Mimesis, 2016).



How to Cite

Scanziani, A. (2023). Intentionality and attention: the Husserlian approach to attention in relation to intentionality and its characterization as " mention". Ideas. Revista De filosofía Moderna Y contemporánea, (7), 48–82. Retrieved from


