Towards a Political Idea of Culture
Arendtian Polemics on the Jewish Question in the 30s and 40s
Arendt, Judaism, Culture, PoliticsAbstract
In the 1930s and 1940s, Arendt deals intensely with the link that European Jews, as political actors, maintain with their own insertion in history. Arendt comes to consider this link highly problematic, but she does not associate it with a character of Judaism as such, but conceives it as an acquired trait whose roots in time must be investigated. We will maintain that this inquiry leads to a set of reflections on the idea of “culture”, which have not received much attention in the field of Arendtian studies and which are valuable for the present. Our work intends to reconstruct these reflections by going through the complex dialogue that the author maintains with different voices, especially from the Jewish tradition itself.
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