A Biology of the Mind

Notes on Psychoanalysis and Neurosciences





Psychoanalysis, Neurosciences, Subjectivity, Body


I will present a literature review regarding the relationship between psychoanalysis and neurosciences in a contemporary philosophical context. Psychoanalysis, I will argue, provided a theoretical model with which a part of the humanities thought about the inscription of the human body in culture. That model can be revisited today under conditions of a closer rapprochement between the theory of embodied subjectivity and biology, in the light of a number of anti-reductionist tendencies in the life sciences. I will recover Malabou's critique of psychoanalysis, the neuropsychoanalytic elaborations of Mark Solms and the "post-Lacanian" philosophical explorations of Adrian Johnston. In all three cases, we find a strongly revisionist approach to psychoanalysis, which vindicates some of its fundamental concepts, but also imposes unexpected modulations, opens up new discussions and suggests original debates. I will go through these three authors following two conceptual threads: the attention to biology as a constitutive aspect of subjectivity and the consequent revision of the theory of drive. I will close the paper by raising some questions about the ways in which the theory of embodied subjectivity can overcome the nature-culture dualism. The “inscription in culture”, I will argue, is a biological as much as a psychological one.


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How to Cite

Martin, F. N. (2024). A Biology of the Mind: Notes on Psychoanalysis and Neurosciences. Ideas. Revista De filosofía Moderna Y contemporánea, (19), 72–104. https://doi.org/10.69498/ri.2024.19.468


