The Relinquishing of Critique
Critique, Correlationism, Compositionism, AbandonmentAbstract
The objective of this paper is to present and discuss the scope of critique in contemporary thought. To achieve this goal, firstly, a systematization of the rhetoric of critique is conducted based on Rita Felski's contributions. Secondly, the paper illustrates how critique has undergone a redefinition through the transition from a textual to a post-textual theoretical landscape, as proposed by Claire Colebrook. Drawing from these two overarching characterizations, the correlational structure of critique will be analyzed, utilizing Quentin Meillassoux's work, to demonstrate the potential for its redefinition, moving away from the concept of the absolute. Lastly, building upon the insights of Bruno Latour, the article will scrutinize the fetishism of critique and Latour's proposal to shift towards compositionism. In summary, through the analysis of a specific segment of contemporary theory, the objective is to systematize the characteristics of critique and explore the trajectory of its abandonment.
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