Social World, Recognition, Symbolic Violence and Domination

Clarification and Deepening of Searle’s theory


  • Axel Rivera Osorio Centro de Estudios sore América Latina y el Caribe - Universidad Autónoma de México


social world, performativity, recognition, symbolic violence, domination


The article seeks to offer an exegesis on the theory of the social world in the work of John Searle. It also tries to indicate ways to deepen certain aspects through contributions made by Axel Honneth and Pierre Bourdieu. Without affirming that all these theories make up a homogeneous unit, it is possible to link them grounded on three essential themes: 1) the construction of the social world is established on performative acts; 2) The distribution of status functions and deontic powers is based on recognition, since it is what establishes the legitimacy of the social order, by instituting, maintaining and reproducing a hierarchical order; 3) All hierarchization implies the existence of recognized groups and others who are despised. Therefore, exclusion is not necessarily based on coercion but on subtle processes of symbolic violence, on the absolutization and eternalization of arbitrary social structures where specific groups of people are excluded.


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How to Cite

Rivera Osorio, A. (2023). Social World, Recognition, Symbolic Violence and Domination: Clarification and Deepening of Searle’s theory. Ideas. Revista De filosofía Moderna Y contemporánea, (14), 128–160. Retrieved from


